“We’ve launched 30+ features to make the web more capable”
Developers: “New features you say?”
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Developers: Doesn’t implement new features
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❌ Platform parity ❌ Usage of features
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How capable are PWAs today?
✅ Close to feature parity with native applications ❌ Platform parity ❌ Usage of features
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How reliable are PWAs today?
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Cache JS & CSS import {StaleWhileRevalidate} from ‘workbox-strategies’;
registerRoute( ({request})
‘script’ || request.destination
new StaleWhileRevalidate()
Slide 96
Offline Google Analytics
import * as googleAnalytics from ‘workbox-google-analytics’; googleAnalytics.initialize();
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Service Offline Page const networkOnly = new NetworkOnly(); registerRoute( new NavigationRoute(async (params)
try { return await networkOnly.handle(params); } catch (error) { return caches.match(FALLBACK_HTML_URL, { cacheName: CACHE_NAME }); }
}) );
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Local Storage & Session Storage Cache Storage
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PWAs today are fast
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Image from h
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instant, reliably good performance to users on repeat visits. This means the application shell is not loaded from the network every time the user visits. Only the necessary content is needed from the network.
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65% increase in pages per session 75% increase in Tweets sent 20% decrease in bounce rate
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The web app rivals the performance of our native apps but requires less than 3% of the device storage space compared to Twitter for Android.
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✅ PWAs are faster, more resilient, and more accessible
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How reliable are PWAs today?
✅ Service worker, and it’s tooling, are well supported ✅ PWAs are faster, more resilient, and more accessible
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How installable are PWAs today?
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Requirements for “Add to Home Screen”
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Requirements for “Add to Home Screen” 1. Web app manifest
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Requirements for “Add to Home Screen” 1. Web app manifest 2. HTTPS
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Requirements for “Add to Home Screen” 1. Web app manifest 2. HTTPS 3. Service worker (which returns a 200 response when offline)
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Requirements for “Add to Home Screen” 1. Web app manifest 2. HTTPS 3. Service worker (which returns a 200 response when offline) 4. User engagement heuristic
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More control over the install flow
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Detect if a PWA can be installed
window.addEventListener(‘beforeinstallprompt’, (e)
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Save install prompt for later let installPrompt; window.addEventListener(‘beforeinstallprompt’, (e) e.preventDefault(); installPrompt = e;
Slide 137
Detect if a PWA has been installed
window.addEventListener(‘appinstalled’, (e)
Run on OS Login
navigator.runOnOsLogin.set({ mode: “windowed” }).then(() // Permission approved
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Add to Homescreen == Install
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A WebAPK is an Android Application Package (APK) automatically generated from a PWA and installed to the device.
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Benefits of WebAPK
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Benefits of WebAPK ✅ In the app drawer
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Benefits of WebAPK ✅ In the app drawer ✅ In app settings
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Benefits of WebAPK ✅ In the app drawer ✅ In app settings ✅ Includes intent filters
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Native Apps
PWAs on App Stores
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is a way to open your PWA from your Android app using a protocol based on Custom Tabs
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✅ More control over the install experience ✅ Deeper integration with the device ❌ Platform parity
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How installable are PWAs today?
✅ “Add to Homescreen” is well supported
✅ More control over the install experience ✅ Deeper integration with the device ❌ Platform parity
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PWAs Tomorrow
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🤩 Capable 🤩 Reliable 🤩 Installable
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All the APIs!
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File Handling API (Origin Trial)
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(Developer Trial)
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(Under Consideration)
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Detecting orientation change events Widgets Detect/block screenshots Splash screen API Local font access
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Almost 20% of page loads are controlled by Service Workers
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COO & VP Engineering of Buycoins Google Web Expert ireaderinokun.com bitsofco.de @ireaderinokun